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Alabaster Heart Missions International Inc. is a non-profit, non-governmental and volunteer based association solely committed to making a positive impact in the lives of the vulnerable individuals in our society through the provision of humanitarian services. 

Through these direct services and support, the vulnerable individuals are empowered to relieve isolation and loneliness, combat the challenges of aging, marginalization, elder and youth abuse, and discrimination in order to enable them to live quality, recognized, respectful, valued and comfortable life.

We are a Non-Denominational Christian organization that follow Jesus Christ by means of showing unconditional love to the poor and oppressed, serving every vulnerable individual of any faith. We may partner with some denominations in certain areas for some specific needs and identifiable considerations for targeted persons or group of persons in particular locations based on merits.

We believe and accept that caring for the vulnerable individual is a revered task and must be opened to all in need of supportive services irrespective of their religion, tribe, race, and ethnicity. Additionally, we harness the power of volunteerism to adequately meet the challenges of caring for the vulnerable individuals and less privileged in the society.


To achieve the mission of the organization, Alabaster Heart Missions International Inc and all its members, volunteers and affiliates, shall be governed by the following core values:

Dignity: To respect the dignity and status of every vulnerable individual as a valuable member of society and this deserves our gratitude.

Equity and Justice: To work tirelessly to ensure that all vulnerable persons irrespective of their status, sex, class, tribe and religion have equal right and opportunity to good quality life.

Honesty and Accountability: To be honest about the successes and shortcomings of all our programmes, provide justifications for activities and be transparent and accountable for all donations and funds received by the NGO.

Well-being: To ensure that the well-being of the vulnerable individuals are paramount and that they are given the opportunity to live comfortable lives, feel loved, respected, valued and adequately supported. Excellence and Innovation: Employing the highest quality of work and creativity, we shall continue to formulate cost effective and efficient programmes dedicated to achieving the objectives of the organization.

Partnership: Partnering with organizations whose vision and mission are in line with that of Alabaster Heart Missions International Inc.