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A quick survey of recent history suggests that sudden outbreaks such as COVID-19 are not very new, i.e. Ebola, SARS, Flu, etc. Whilst their causes have varying views, their effects on everything human – domestic, economic, educational, social, communal, personal are known to all of us. As Christian and non-Christian alike, it should be wise for us to respond holistically and from the point of view of God’s promises as we relate to the fact on the ground.

Will Graham has noted that, “It’s not just the virus people are afraid of – (mine: it is the impact/ implications it brings to our securities – economic, social, domestic and their derivatives). What about my job? Who will watch my kids if their school closes? Will my retirement funds ever come back?

In an ocean of anxiety, only the truth of Christ remains unchanged. People who put their trust in Him know how the story ends. The only real antidote to fear and uncertainty is God’s truth (mine: as revealed in the written, spoken and Incarnate Word).

With coronavirus cases on the rise, it’s tempting to panic. But during times like these, Christians are called to walk by faith. It may be impossible to avoid today’s scary headlines, but they don’t have to define you. God promises peace—no matter the circumstance—to those who trust in Him. Choose to focus on Christ instead of your fears, encourage one another with God’s word and precautionary steps. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Jesus said (John 16:33) NIV.

After thorough reflections and meditations on what is currently happening globally, it suddenly dawned on me that it behoves on every individual; believer or not, to be there if not physically, but mentally for their fellow brothers and sisters. I acknowledge that times like these are unusual and somewhat solitary but at the end of this short piece, I am hoping that you will know that you are not at all by yourself; on the contrary, we are all in this together.

The name “Coronavirus” is one that has over the past few months become the global anthem for us all. It is described as many things including epidemic, pandemic, droplet, deadly virus as the name implies and a variety of other worrying terms which instantly makes us have a rise in our alertness. It is interesting to note humanity’s keenness to self-preservation and as well taking orders given by our healthcare workers and other higher entities.

Pandemic; wash hands

Initially, I was very attentive to the 20 second rule of washing hands, frequency of hand washing throughout the day, and not stepping out of the house, as well as the other precautionary measures we are supposed to follow to prevent our being infected by the virus. Nevertheless, extracting myself from the situation and analyzing how the world finds itself in it right now, I came to a simple conclusion; one that others have agreed (on) as well. JESUS is the answer to all of this global chaos. This deduction is not based entirely on my religious affiliation; but rather on an objective meditation on the level of attention we alot to follow the rules. I wondered if these rules are indeed the best way of ensuring my safety. A lot of possible scenarios filled my imaginations, making me realize that we can only do so much as mere mortals. We can be vigilant by staying on high alert for a greater part of the time yet, on one occasion, lose ourselves and forget to avoid touching our faces, washing our hands often, or restraining from shaking hands. This made me understand that we are very vulnerable, because even before these rules were broadcasted, we may or may not have been in contact with people with the disease. Even if we got infected, by some divine intervention, we are alive and able to read this piece. Therefore, it is not just because of how cautious we were or how privileged we are, but by GRACE.

In keeping with the recent Easter celebration at such a time when the whole world is at a standstill, it is a privilege to be reminded that the One whom we follow is One who is exceptional in all ways, incomprehensible in His actions and most importantly, All-Powerful. Throughout history, He is the only Messiah whom the one thing we are guarding against now had no authority over; DEATH.

Therefore, if we give ourselves the opportunity to allow ourselves to trust in Him, we will be rest assured that He will come through for us and preserve us and all our loved ones. If we can pause being overly meticulous about staying on guard at all times, we can relax for a bit. We then can realize that the One whom we follow is the person who the clutches of death could not defeat. Thus we have HOPE in His resurrection power: “But God raised Him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him.” (Acts 2:24) NIV.

In conclusion brethren, I will like to admonish you to be steadfast in the Lord. Even as we unitedly join our hearts all over the world to pray for healing, it is key that we remember that we stay planted in our unflinching faith in God, as James says; “But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” (James 1:6) NIV.

Also, let us do well to adhere to the advice given by medical experts concerning the virus while we pray. Although I beseech you not to thoroughly conscientize yourselves on do’s and don’ts to be stressed as a result of being overly alert, it is important to still do the best we can to follow rules meted out to us by people with more knowledge on the disease while we add our consistent prayers , “and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7) NIV.

Written by: Josephine Nana Adjoa Afari

April 16, 2020

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kaa

    Thank you for the encouragement in this trying time. Very well written and timely piece.

    1. Josephine Afari boateng

      God bless dear

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