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According to a survey conducted in Toronto; November 2021 by the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, the results show that discrimination and mistreatment because of one’s race is a common experience with at least one in five Canadians reporting being a victim. The report
indicates that the percentage of people who feel discriminated stand at Blacks (57%) or First Nationals (45%) South Asian (48%), Chinese (40%), East or Southeast Asian (40%). Metis (36%) or those with other racial identity other than the listed adding up to (35%). It should however be
noted that the rates have increased considerable following the Covid pandemic which also triggered more racism target on Asians. It is against this background that we realized that without addressing racism, communities are unable to move from dialogue to a place of
innovative policymaking and constructive change towards racial equity. Racism remains one of the force that fuels other forms of oppressions such as sexism, homophobia, ethnocentrism and classism. To address the problems highlighted above, AHMI is focus on helping individuals and
communities understand and be equipped with tools to address the multiple forms of racism, how they connect to each other and the differential effects. Our interventions will also educate participants about how institutional and structural racism has evolved over the years and the
economic and social effects that it has had on people’s lives. Aside from gaining historical knowledge, we will equip individuals with policy knowledge and how they can contribute positively towards change. We will further educate and raise awareness on various forms of
discriminations some of which have streamed from racism and come up with solutions for the various forms of discrimination with a focus on what steps individuals need to take to contribute towards the eradication of discrimination.

1. Advocate against racism and its economic and social effect on a country. Through this dialogue, we hope to see the participants gain new and more knowledge on the topic and be willing to be agents of change through peer-to-peer influence.
2. Raise awareness on discrimination focused on gender, Religion and racial biases. Participants are expected to view other races with empathy and equality.
3. Conduct Career coaching through which participants will gain knowledge on career choices and how to determine what career path they wish to venture into after high school.

When the project is realized, the participants will gain a new perception on issues of race, inclusion and deal away with stereotypes mindset. They will be able to create creative contents that promote unity, inclusion and appreciation of diversity. The project will further equip the
participants with policy knowledge and promote voicing out using peaceful platforms available. This year, Alabaster Heart Missions International is hosting “2023 Youth Awareness Conference” on the theme Building a community of racial equity and inclusion. 

we are inviting all young people and youth in various Churches within the Community to this conference which will be held on Saturday, March 18 th , 2023, from 10:00am to 2:00pm at 69 Milvan Dr, North York (Ghana Methodist Church of Toronto Premises).